9 Furniture And Appliances That Need Replacing For The New Year

The new year is upon us, and it is not only bad habits that you should be changing. It may be time to replace furniture pieces and appliances in your home as well. A deteriorated mattress can cause sores and body pain. Aging appliances, like refrigerators, consume more power than newer models. How long should a good sofa last? It depends on the materials, construction, and the maintenance of the furniture. The average lifespan of a leather sofa is between 7 and 15 years. But you need not wait for the cushion to get very saggy or flat before buying a new one. If you feel sore after even just several minutes of sitting on the couch, then it is time to visit the home depot. Here are 9 furniture pieces and appliances you should be replacing before the new year.

Airconditioning unit

girl drinking hot beverage morning An air conditioning (AC) unit consumes a lot of energy. Unfortunately for most people in tropical Philippines, an AC is indispensable. The average lifespan of an AC is about 15 to 20 years, according to the US Department of Energy. Do you have to wait for more than a decade to change your unit? Definitely no. There are newer models with eco-efficiency technologies that can help cut your electricity bill. The latest units use 20 to 40 percent less energy.

Electric range or cooktop

cook top electric range More people are opting for electric ranges primarily for safety reasons. Condominiums and condo-style apartments do not allow gas ranges. Moreover, with the continuous rise of gas prices, electric cooktops are more cost efficient. The top choices in the market today are induction cooktops and ranges that heat up fast. Electric ranges have an average lifespan of 13 to 15 years, but similar with AC units, manufacturers bring out more energy-efficient models every several months. If you want to further lower your utility expenses, consider replacing your electric cooktop.

Washing machine

washing machine A washing machine typically lasts for five to 15 years. But you may need to replace it earlier if it is using up too much energy. When is it time to replace your washing machine? One sign is when the tub is cracked, which requires a major repair. Other red flags include mold and mildew growth, loud sounds from the dryer, and uses a lot of water. If any of these signs persist, it will be more practical to buy a new unit than repairing your old one.


refrigerator kitchen A refrigerator is probably one of the toughest to replace because it can be costly. A one-door unit can last for up to 19 years, depending on the utility and maintenance. A refrigerator generally starts to become inefficient at age 10. By that time, it would consume a lot more energy than it should. When do you know that you need a new refrigerator? If the coils at the back emanate too much heat and the ventilation is not working properly. Check whether the repair is more costly than buying a new one. Other issues that may require serious and expensive repairs include a dysfunctional fridge motor, too much condensation, and high energy consumption.

Sofa or couches

sofa couches A sofa can typically last up to 15 years. A high-quality foam sanitized against bacteria, molds, and mildew can help extend the life of a couch. The lifespan of a microfiber couch is equivalent to up to 500 washes. How long should a leather couch last? A quality leather couch can have a lifespan three times longer than other fabric materials. Aside from a saggy and flattened cushion and structural damage, there are other reasons why you need to replace your couch. Your current piece may no longer suit your home design and size, or the upholstery is frayed or faded.

Bed mattress

Orthocare Biorytmic A high quality mattress can last up to 10 to 15 years. A memory foam can last longer. However, many people do not replace theirs until the foam is worn out. You would know that it is time to shop for a new mattress when you feel uncomfortable lying down and you wake up with muscle pain. Other signs that you need a replacement include visible lumps, noisy bed springs, and dust mite problems. Uratex mattresses, the top of its kind, offers a wide selection of high quality mattresses that suit various needs and preferences. There is a Uratex Premium line designed for people with orthopedic needs, for those always on-the-move, and for couples who want to increase their intimacy.

Office chair office chair home

If you regularly work at home, it is important to choose the right kind of chair. Sitting for long hours can put a strain on your lower back, and as studies show, can increase your risk of serious diseases. Office chairs usually last for up to 10 years. But if your piece is already giving you body pain, it is time to get yourself a new one. Choose an office chair that follows your movement and protects the curve of your spine. The height should be easily adjustable and the seat should comfortably support the user. If you have an orthopedic condition, it is recommended to consult a doctor for the right type of ergonomic chair.

Upholstered chairs

upholestered chairs Upholstered chairs, like wooden dining tables, can last for many years, even generations. It is just a matter of proper maintenance. You can either reupholster or buy new chairs. You may want to keep your family’s antique chairs as long as the furniture structure remains sound. However, you may need to hit the furniture shop if: your chairs no longer fit your space, do not suit your interior design, and the frame is beyond repair. If the foam is frayed and can no longer be cleaned, check whether buying new chairs is more cost-efficient than reupholstering.

Outdoor furniture

girl working outside Metal patio furniture can last for up to 10 years, if maintained well. Since these pieces are left outdoors under the sun and rain, you may need to replace them sooner. When to replace outdoor furniture? If the frames are already rotten and wobbly, you may need to buy a new furniture set. You may also go for wooden, aluminum or monoblock pieces. Uratex offers stylish options for outdoor monoblock furniture including bistro and arm chairs and tables. The models are available in various colors that suit any design theme. As the year ends, make changes in your home by repairing broken furniture and appliances, or replacing them as needed. When buying new furniture and appliances, only choose those of high-quality that will last for a long time. Always go for reliable brands.
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