Find Out What Kind of Bed Fits Your Family’s Needs

After a long day at work, doing house chores, and taking care of the kids, nothing beats laying down on a bed to rest. Sadly, not all affordable mattresses out in the market today are comfortable enough for you to have a good night’s sleep in while being durable enough to handle the kids. Not one mattress can suit the needs of every family member. Luckily, there’s one mattress brand that has 50 years of experience as the sleep specialist. We’re talking about Uratex and its wide range of expertly made products designed to give you and your family a good night’s sleep, no matter the age. With this in mind, we list down five of the best comfy, durable, and affordable family bed mattresses from Uratex that will surely fit your family’s sleeping needs.

Comfort Plus Deluxe Mattress for Newlyweds

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The Comfort Plus Deluxe Mattress has a medium firm comfort level and can withstand a heavier load, thanks to its durable Comfort Plus foam. It also has an elastic surface that can bounce back to its original form, making it the perfect bed for newlyweds . It’s also easy to clean because of its semi-knitted fabric cover. In addition, this Uratex Classic is affordable enough for couples who are starting their married life.

Quilted Crib Mattress or Permahard Polycotton Mattress for the First-Time Parents

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Photo courtesy of Wayne Evans via

Did you know that softer foams can give in to the baby’s weight? This increases the chances of suffocation and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) among newborns. But how do you choose a mattress for a child?

According to the experts at the, they recommend parents with newborn babies to get mattresses that are firm, thick, and resilient to pressure.

Some pediatricians suggest that new parents sleep in the same room but in different beds as it lowers the risk of SIDS. If this setup is okay with you, then the Quilted Crib Mattress is a great choice for your baby.

If you still wish to sleep beside your newborn baby, you might want to buy a family size mattress to accommodate everyone. The Permahard Polycotton Mattress is a good choice. It’s firm and is available in four or six inches thick foams that come in various sizes.

Classic Sheen Touch for your teenager’s bedroom

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Choosing the right bed for your teenager is crucial. Why? Knowing the right firmness of a mattress could be the difference between a stressed spinal cord leading to long-term problems and a healthy backbone. So how firm should a mattress be?

Teens must sleep in beds that can support their spine. It means that the mattress shouldn’t be too soft or too hard that it would hamper their growth. With this in mind, the Uratex Classic Sheen Touch would be the best mattress for your teens. It offers a firm yet comfortable foam that can provide adequate support during their sleep.

Permahard Bio Aire or Dual Essence Profound for the Middle Aged

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When the kids start living in their own rooms, it’s again time to change the mattress to the one that is more suited to you and your partner’s tastes. This would be the stage wherein you would like a bed that would rid you of bed sores and be cool enough to give you a good night’s sleep.

There are two beds on top of our list that can do that: the Permahard Bio Aire and Dual Essence Profound mattress. If you’re on a tight budget, the former would be a great option for you. It’s a mattress that features hollow peaks to distribute weight evenly and even relieve you of bed sores. The Permahard Bio Aire, as its name suggests, has a convoluted comfort layer that lets air flow and keep it cool.

Meanwhile, those who want to splurge on their bed can choose the Dual Essence Profound mattress. This is a reversible mattress that allows you to choose a side based on your firmness requirements. One side has the Permahard foam that can support your back and correct sleeping position. It’s even recognized by the Philippines Orthopedic Association (POA).

On the other side of the mattress is a highly resilient foam that can provide optimum comfort. And because it’s elastic, it can accomodate your body’s sleeping movements for the optimal sleeping position.

Permahard Deluxe or Deluxe mattress for the Golden Years

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Investing in the right mattress is still equally important, especially when you move into the golden years as our bodies become weaker. If this doesn’t apply to you now, you might want to take a look at where your grandparents are sleeping.

Depending on your situation and the recommendation of your doctor, you might want a harder bed if you suffer from back problems. The best option for that is the Permahard Deluxe mattress, which, if you haven’t read it, is recognized by the POA, making it a trustworthy mattress even for those who are advanced in age.

If you have joint aches, a mattress with foam that’s able to support your body would be a good choice. Among the many options in the Uratex lineup is the Deluxe mattress. It’s not too soft that your joints would ache when you wake up in the morning. It’s like the baby bear’s porridge in the children’s book “Goldilocks and the three bears,” it’s just right.

No matter what stage you or your loved ones are in now, there’s always a mattress specifically made for all of you. Don’t believe us? You’re always welcome to take check the massive collection of Uratex Classic mattresses to search the one for you.
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