No More Struggles Of Waking Up Early
The gravity around your bed is extra powerful at sunrise. You're not a morning person. There are several factors that explain your struggles of waking up early, such as sleep deprivation and an out-of-sync body clock. “The body loves rhythm and predictability. Most tiredness happens because we are very bad at sticking to regular bedtimes – going to bed and getting up at the same time every day,” according to sleep expert Dr. Neil Stanley.
Classes are about to resume. Are you ready to climb out of bed at 5 AM to get to school? Don't worry, here are 10 tips on how to wake up early for school easily.
#1: Aspire for the right amount of sleep
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Some people feel recharged after six hours of sleep, others need about nine. The National Sleep Foundation amended its sleep guidelines for your reference: for teenagers aged 14 to 17, the recommended sleep is 8 to 10 hours each night and adults aged 18 to 64 are advised to attain 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep daily.
How to wake up early for school and not be tired? Get sufficient sleep at night. There's no getting around it. There's no amount of coffee or energy drink that can sustain your wakefulness. Adopt healthy sleep habits starting with aspiring for 7 to 9 hours of shut-eye each night.
#2: Adopt a bedtime ritual
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Do you know that your circadian rhythm, or body clock, dips at certain times of the day? These are the crucial moments when you're tempted to doze off in class. For adults like yourself, the dip typically occurs at 1:00 to 3:00 PM. This is normal, though your sleepiness will be less intense if you have had a good night's sleep.
Wake up early for school and stay alert throughout the day by observing a daily sleep schedule and sticking to it. If you need to be up by 5 AM, you should be in bed at least an hour before 10 PM. Allow your mind and body 15 to 45 minutes to prep for sleep by doing relaxing activities such as breathing exercises or reading a book. You can also listen to calming music while drinking camomile tea. Do this ritual every night, including vacations.
#3: Stop browsing your phone during bedtime
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One of the most important tips on waking up early is regulating your use of electronic gadgets. Browsing Facebook or Instagram at night is keeping your senses awake, interfering with your ability to fall asleep at bedtime. Researchers from Harvard University suggest that blue light, which is found in smartphones and tablets, suppresses melatonin for about twice as long as green light and shifts circadian rhythms by twice as much (3 hours vs. 1.5 hours). Melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness.
Turn off your gadgets at least an hour before bedtime. Instead of using the alarm in your phone, you can opt for a digital clock. You can also put your phone on silent mode while you sleep to avoid any disruptions.
#4: No coffee in the late afternoon
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Coffee can do wonders to your health. Recent studies suggest that this well-loved beverage can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, protect against cirrhosis of the liver, and reduces suicide risk and depression. Coffee is also a known stimulant that can give you the jolt you need while studying.
Remember, however, that caffeine consumption may interfere with your sleepiness. It takes 3 to 5 hours for your body to eliminate half of the caffeine in your bloodstream. If you need to be dozing off at 10 PM, you should avoid coffee in the late afternoon.
#5: Avoid foods that delay sleep
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Your lifestyle primarily affects your ability to wake up easily early in the morning. For instance, your diet can disrupt your circadian rhythm, making it hard for you to get a good sleep at night. Avoid acidic foods at dinner such as citrus fruits, as well as natural diuretics like cucumbers and celery. Tomatoes, eggplant, and aged cheeses contain the stimulant norepinephrine that boosts brain activity. Other foods that delay sleep are cheese pizza, chilis, chips and salsa, and meats.
#6: Get yourself a high-quality mattress
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Falling asleep easily is just half of the answer to waking up early in the morning. You should be able to stay asleep throughout the night. Sleep disruptions can be due to physical discomfort from an illness or your sleeping environment.
If you keep on tossing and turning at night, and wake up with stiff muscle and pain all over, it's time to get yourself a new mattress. Uratex Premium offers a collection of high-quality mattresses equipped with the latest technology. The Uratex Senso Memory Foam distributes pressure evenly, lowers body temperature, and promotes good blood circulation and natural body alignment. Sleep well on a high-quality bed.
#7: Create a conducive sleeping environment
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Your struggles of waking up early is due to your inability to achieve sufficient and quality sleep at night. Your poor sleep habits not only increases your risk of getting a stroke and heart diseases. “Sleep deprivation negatively impacts our mood, our ability to focus, and our ability to access higher-level cognitive function,” the Harvard Medical School warns.
Attain sufficient sleep and achieve more in school by creating a conducive sleeping environment. Tidy up your room. The less clutter, the better. It's also advisable to keep your room dark and cool during bedtime to help trigger sleepiness.
#8: Hot tea before hitting the sack
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If you want to wake up refreshed for school, skip the nightcap. While alcohol helps people fall asleep quicker, it reduces rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. REM is the stage in which your body fully restores itself. Any disruption in this sleep phase may cause daytime drowsiness and lack of focus. Dreaming also occurs in the REM sleep. The London Sleep Centre in the UK warns that alcohol is disruptive, particularly in the second half of the night when REM happens.
Ditch vodka for camomile tea. Camomile tea is harvested from a daisy-like plant rich with sleep-inducing properties. Enjoy your hot tea about 30 minutes before bed. Not only does it aid in sleep, this wonder plant is an effective remedy for stomach cramps, irritable bowel syndrome, swelling, and pain.
#9: Exercise either in the morning or at night
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Regular exercise can help your sleep better at night and wake up easily in the morning. “Exercise triggers an increase in body temperature, and the post-exercise drop in temperature may promote falling asleep,” according to the National Sleep Foundation. The charity also claims that physical activities may reduce insomnia by decreasing arousal, anxiety, and depressive symptoms.
A study suggests that morning workouts can be beneficial for people having trouble falling asleep while evening exercise is better for those having difficulty staying asleep. Even 30 minutes of vigorous exercise can do wonders to your sleep health. Consider lifting weights at night, which can relax the muscles by creating a thermal effect.
#10: Say “no” to bad habits
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Your pursuit to good sleep habits takes a lot of effort. A new Netflix series or a night out with friends can easily ruin your bedtime schedule. How to wake up easily and refreshed in the morning? Know how to say “no” to these temptations. Remember that getting quality zzz's at night is your key to waking up early for school. You can set your social activities at daytime or early in the evening.
Classes are about to begin. As much as you abhor waking up at 5 AM, you just have to. But you don't have to struggle every morning. Know how to get a good night's sleep and wake up refreshed.