Why You Should Consider Getting a Portable Mattress

An Affordable Solution for Better Sleep
Filipinos are hardworking people who strive every single day to meet their basic needs, either by braving the heavy traffic to get to work or by hustling just as hard while at home. After a strenuous day of working, it’s perfectly understandable to find comfort in sleep. After all, quality sleep is vital for our health and shouldn’t be compromised. But how exactly can one achieve quality sleep without breaking the bank? Having a convenient and comfortable portable mattress is a good start.
Here are five reasons the Top 5 reasons why you should get a portable mattress:
1. It helps maximize limited space
When living in small spaces, it is important that you make the most out of every nook and cranny of your home by getting things that either save space or work double duty. A portable mattress does not only provide the comfort of a good night’s sleep, it also offers convenience as it can easily be rolled or folded to free up space.
2. It’s made affordable without compromising quality and comfort
Every Uratex foam mattress is made to provide high quality, comfort, and convenience to ensure a good night’s sleep. What’s great about the portable mattress is it provides the same benefits for a more affordable price and with great value for money.
3. It’s ready to use and easy to store
Filipinos are very sociable and hospitable so guests visiting and staying the night are always welcome in any household. With a usually undetermined number of guests, an extra portable mattress (or two) is convenient to have in situations like this, especially in limited spaces. It can provide the comfort your guests need for a good night’s sleep, and at the same time, it can give you the convenience of easy storage when not in use.
4. It’s versatile--can be used anytime, anywhere
Whether it’s for afternoon naps or playtime with the kids, you can rely on the portable mattress for that added layer of comfort you can enjoy. Since it’s made for different uses wherever you may be, it is designed to be lightweight and easy to bring for the ultimate comfort and convenience.
5. It comes in different variants
What’s great about portable mattresses is that they come in different variants with each set of innovations, technologies, fabric types, and unique features. To help you narrow down your choices, here are three of our best-rated foldable mattresses and why they’re customer favorites.
Cool Zen Mattress- a cushioned mat with a local banig twist
Fold-A-Mattress Collection - an additional piece for homes with limited spaces available in: 1) thick, soft Polycotton cover, 2) thin Polycotton cover, or 3) Taffeta and Thin Cotton fabric with waterproof underlining.
Siesta Mattress - a cushioned mat for kid’s afternoon naps or playtime
Basically, a portable mattress is comfort and convenience you can take anywhere with you. It has many uses, is easy to bring, easy to store, and provides comfort wherever you are or however you intend on using it. Plus, it’s affordable and durable, so it’s a good investment for the quality sleep you need.